About the Journal
Peer Review
AJHS operates a single-blind peer review system where the reviewers’ identity is concealed from the authors. Original research and reviews will first undergo peer review before publication. Each manuscript will be assigned two peer reviewers. The process takes 4-6 weeks of review and revision until the Editors are satisfied with the state of the paper. Peer reviewers are drawn from our pool of scientific peer reviewers although Authors may be asked to propose potential reviewers for their papers. If we make such a request, kindly propose reviewers with no conflict of interest.
Peer reviewers are selected considering their area of specialty and a review guideline provided. During the peer review process, the AJHS sets a time limit of 21 working days within which reviewers need to review manuscripts and submit their comments to the journal. The authors are then allotted 14 working days to send back their responses to the reviewers' comments. If the authors or reviewers need more time, this turnaround time can be extended. Reviewers have the option to either recommend:
- ‘Publish as is’
- 'Publish with minor revisions
- ‘Publish with major revision
- ‘Suitable for publication in another journal
- 'Not suitable for publication in this journal
If the decision is for revision, authors are requested to respond to comments raised by reviewers. When the Editors confirm that the authors have satisfactorily responded to all comments raised by peer-reviewers a verdict is made and reviewers are informed of the status of the manuscripts they have reviewed.
Publication Scheduling
Frequency of Publication: Quarterly
Online submissions are made online through: ojs.ajhsjournal.or.ke