Editorial Team

Dr. Steve Wandiga
Dr. Wandiga is an Assistant Principal Research Scientist in KEMRI and Epidemiologist studying the convergence
between infectious and non-communicable diseases. He was mentored by gracious individuals through tuberculosis
(TB) epidemiological projects funded by EDCTP in 2007-2012 that enabled him earn a PhD from Ludwig Maximilians
University of Munich, Germany and curved out a path for career development.
He leads the TB Division at the KEMRI Center for Global Health Research in Kisian Campus, Kisumu, Kenya that hosts
the ISO-certified bio-safety level (BSL) 3 laboratory. The TB laboratory supports 23 counties in collaboration with the
Ministry of Health and National Tuberculosis Program in drug susceptibility testing and drug resistance surveillance.
We are the back up to the National TB Reference Laboratory based in Nairobi.
He is also the Managing Editor for East African Health Research Journal (EAHRJ) that is part of the East African Health
Research Commission (EAHRC) within the East African Community (EAC).

Hudson Lodenyo
Senior Editor
Dr Lodenyo is a Specialist Physician, Gastroenterologist and Senior Research Officer with extensive experience in
clinical research. He has attracted several international research grants and awards with at least 25 publications in
peer reviewed journals.

Tiner Ouma
Research Scientist
Tiner Ouma is a Research Scientist at the African Journal of Health Sciences. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in
Environmental Health from the University of Eastern Africa, Baraton and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in
Epidemiology at the KEMRI Graduate School. She is a member
of the Association of Public Health Officers of Kenya (APHOK)